About MBL



The Mothers’ Bridge of Love (MBL: Charity Registration Number is 1105543.) is a UK registered charity dedicated to reaching out and enriching the lives of Chinese children in all corners of the world – those adopted by Western families, those raised abroad and those living in China.

MBL was founded in 2004 by bestselling author Xinran, based on conversations, correspondences and experiences she had in China and around the world (read more about this below in Our Inspiration). Xinran still oversees MBL operations, supported by a board of Trustees and a team of dedicated volunteers.

As a charity, we believe strongly in developing projects which can help us achieve our mission. Three projects we have supported include: the Support Chinese Children Project, which we have used to help disabled children in China; our Children’s Journal Project, which we plan to sell in more than 27 countries around the world as a cultural and educational tool; and our Art Exhibitions Project, which took place in London. The exhibitions are an opportunity to promote young Chinese talents, Chinese culture in the West, and to create funds for MBL.

DOWNLOAD: MBL Introduction English Version  |  母爱桥简介中文版 

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After 10 years of research, exploration and action, MBL moved to strengthen its cultural impact in 2014

Between birth and adoptive culture – Providing nearly 150,000 Chinese children adopted into families all over the world with cultural exchange services and support in researching their roots.

Between East and West – Supporting children of Chinese origin learn more about the land of their ancestors, and providing enriching opportunities for students to discover different cultures.

Between rich and poor – Appealing for library donations and teaching assistance in support of schools in some of the poorest areas of China.

We invite you to join MBL on our journey of helping children everywhere realise their dreams

Our inspiration

Following the publication of her books The Good Women of China and Sky Burial, Xinran received countless letters from women all over the world – especially from mothers who had adopted children from China and Chinese mothers raising families overseas. All of them shared the same concerns: how do we answer the questions of our children?

A growing number of western families have adopted Chinese orphans, mainly girls, since 1995. As they grow up, one of the first questions they might ask is:

 “Why didn’t my Chinese mummy want me?”

 Despite its rapid economic growth, many Chinese people still live in poverty. Their children can only dream of a decent education:

“How can I ever go to school?”

Meanwhile, millions of Chinese children growing up overseas have lost connection with their roots:

“What is Chinese culture?”

The Mothers’ Bridge of Love helps provide answers to these questions by building bridges between:

o   China and the rest of the world

o   Rich and poor

o   Birth culture and adoptive culture